Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Dream or reality? I don't know...

I don't know what it is, but I had a strange dream today about a restaurant that I like. The problem is, I don't remember if this restaurant exists in real life, or if it's always been in my dreams.

After a weekend of admittedly smoking my brains out, I'm wondering if these are just the effects of a weekend of getting high like a mofo. Either way, I could have sworn that I have gone here with a high school friend of mine back in the day, but I honestly can't remember. Then again, it's certainly not the first time I dream of a certain place on more than one occasion.

These dream realms are a little odd. There is Dave's Inn, a horrid little place in the middle of a dense forest (and haunted by a malevolent little leprechaun-looking man) that absolutely terrifies me. Although I have only been there twice in my dreams, there are few times that I've dreamed of the surrounding area and felt utter dread, because I know in my sleep that this place is there, and do everything to avoid going up the road that leads to the inn.

Another one I've had a few times is where I drive to Baltimore, or thereabouts. It's usually a very long street, followed by a huge hill, lined with all manor of nice little homes, and there is an apartment there that I spend my time in. The apartment doesn't always look the same, but the street never changes when I dream of it.

There is also this odd museum/church that is familiar in dreams. I always drive north and find it somewhere before Boston. No idea of the significance of the place, but sometimes I find myself wandering into the town, where there are bars and restaurants and strange shifting alleys. Usually the streets look the same, and the museum/church is sometimes different, but the highway leading to the place is always the same long, winding, scenic road.

But this restaurant... I feel like I've dreamed about it before, and perhaps I am confusing dreams with reality, but I feel like the dream restaurant is based off of a real place that I used to go to with a friend named Steve... Of course, when I try to think back on all our old haunts, not many places really come to mind. It's also possible that I am confusing this place with a nice little Greek restaurant located in Flushing, NY, where my girlfriend used to live.

Anyway, there's no real point to this, nothing really of interest to anyone. But I find it funny that I occasionally dream of a certain restaurant, and feel that I've actually gone there in real life. I don't even remember what town it could possibly be on, or what we've even eaten there before... but it kills me that I can't put a finger on it. I'm going to say that I probably dreamed that Steve and I ate there, and that my belief that I may have been there is a sort of "aftershock" of a weekend where calling it excessive smoking would be an understatement...

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