Monday, May 17, 2010

Hello Stranger

It's been a while since I've posted anything. Lot's of empty promises about how I'll write more and what not. I can blame it on being busy, I can blame it on school, work, life, but in the end, it all falls down to me. I want to write, or at least that is what I say I wish to do, and I have not done so. However, being that I am a broadcast major, writing is one of the most important and crucial skills that I should work on.

I have lot's of ideas, the gears are turning in my head, and I need to make something of them. I cannot let them go to waste for the sake of being too busy, or not having enough time. I must make time, I must make the effort to follow my passions and see them come to life. It won't be easy, and I'm not going to lie to myself again and say that I'll definitely start writing here more frequently, however, I will be writing more book & movie reviews for Meandering Entertainer, my g/f's site. I have to if I want to have something to show for myself.

I also need to start working on video and audio projects. I need to show people that I can edit, that I can create, that I'm not just some jackass looking for a quick buck, but a legitimate artist, an innovator. It's time to get my creativity back, man. I've been dead too long, and it's time I rise out of the grave.

Reading... if I don't read, how in the hell will I write? If I ever wish to write the epic novel I have slowly developing in my head (along with a litany of short stories), how will I do so if I do not read? As much as I love videogames and watching TV, I have to ease up on those bad habits, and get back into becoming creative again.

Drawing, it used to be something I loved doing. I still enjoy it when I make the time for it... I don't know that I'll ever draw as much as I used to, but I can't let a talent like that go to waste. So much to do, but with school coming to an end, I feel that perhaps now is the time to finally grow up, finally make something of myself, and finally unleash the potential that I have. It will take me a few years, but I have to do it. I have to create something big, I have to create something interesting, and it has to be something that will set me apart from the rest.